When the Taizé brothers began their work in Mymensingh, it quickly became clear that that particularly people with mental disabilities needed help and contact persons to talk to and be with. A small residential community was founded initially, which accommodated orphans and mentally disabled people and supported their families. The community grew and eventually became a member of the international society of the L'Arche communities.
People with disabilities and their caregivers live together here. It is the first L'Arche community with predominantly Muslim residents. L'Arche Mymensingh now operates independently, but continues to work closely with the other projects of the Taizé brothers in Mymensingh. Living in the L'Arche community means acquiring practical skills, as candles, greeting cards, bookmarks, embroidery and jewelry are made here. In addition, members of the community with and without mental disabilities make home visits to families who support children and adults with disabilities and give them self-confidence.